Embracing Change: Our Journey from Adopt4Life to Interwoven Connections

By Interwoven Connections

Change is never easy, and it’s often accompanied by uncertainty, hesitation, and sometimes feelings of disconnect. But amidst the uncomfortable lies the opportunity for growth. Ultimately, it’s the reason why we have evolved from Adopt4Life to becoming Interwoven Connections, as the next step in our ongoing commitment to our communities.

Over the past few years, we have reflected on our past identity as Adopt4Life, and we have listened closely to the many families and communities who felt its limitations. While the name served as a beacon of support for adoptive families, it inadvertently excluded other vital aspects of permanency, such as kinship and customary care.  Through listening and learning, we grew to understand that our language was not matching our intentions and was unintentionally exclusive. Our community is not solely defined by adoption; it is a rich tapestry of diverse experiences and family relationships. For quite some time, we have been engaging with community leaders and family advocates, parents and caregivers, youth and adults with lived experience, supporting professionals, and more, to ensure that as our communities grow, so does our identity.

The term "permanency" itself continues to evolve, encompassing a broader spectrum of familial connections than ever before. We also recognize that for many communities, long-standing cooperative child-rearing and informal family formation practices have been key in building and maintaining lasting community connections and family ties that have significant long-term benefits for children and youth. We welcome the inclusion of all these relationships in our growing communities, and the learnings we all benefit from.

Our language matters. It shapes perceptions, conveys values, and signals the experiences we want parents and caregivers to find in our communities. By embracing the name Interwoven Connections, we strive to create a more inclusive space where every member feels seen, heard, and valued. Our name signifies the intricate web of relationships that form the foundation of permanency—connections that are not bound by traditional systems or structures, and embrace diversity.

 Our journey doesn't end with a new name. It's a continuous commitment to fostering a culture of inclusivity and belonging and learning from each other.  Change can be challenging, and we're here to navigate the growing pains together. Your voices, experiences, and perspectives are integral to shaping our collective identity.

As we embark on this new chapter as Interwoven Connections, we invite you to join us in celebrating the richness of our communities and weaving a tapestry of support, understanding, and compassion—strengthening ties, together.

Thank you for being part of our journey.


I hate summer break


Packing Up and Moving On: What We Wish We Knew 10 Years After Adopting