News and Media

Julie Despaties, Founder and Executive Director of Adopt4Life, sits down with Global News Toronto to talk about what #Timetoattach means for families formed through adoption.
Adopt4Life and the Child and Youth Permanency Council of Canada (CYPCC) welcome the introduction of a new 15-week Adoption Benefit for adoptive parents as part of enhancements to Canada’s Employment Insurance program, as announced in today’s Fall Economic Statement by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland. This long-awaited benefit is a significant step forward in supporting strong, healthy attachment in families, no matter how they are formed.
Today, the Federal Court of Canada approved the First Nations Child and Family Services, Jordan’s Principle, Trout and Kith Class Settlement Agreement, with reasons to follow. The agreement was reached between the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), the Moushoom and Trout class actions plaintiffs and Canada, with the support of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society.
A new Private Member’s Bill will provide adoptive parents with 15 additional weeks of attachment leave through Employment Insurance benefits.
Adopt4Life’s new AFCCA Family Supports Program supports families formed by adoption in strengthening family connections and meeting the needs of their children and youth, with both clinical coordination and peer-based supports and resources for parents and caregivers.
The adoptive family community is disappointed that the federal government is not supporting families formed through adoption, kinship and customary care in Budget 2022.
From the Star: Adopt4Life offers advocacy, support and guidance for parents and caregivers throughout their lifelong adoption journey.
A Barrie woman is leading the charge to get former foster children the same protections as young offenders.
They play a crucial role, but the lack of support can cause hardships.
For the third consecutive year, dozens of remarkable and inspiring Canadians were nominated for the Lynn Factor Stand Up for Kids National Award. Our own founder and Executive Director, Julie was selected as one of the finalists!
Julie Despaties, Executive Director and Founder of Adopt4Life, recognized as national finalist for the 2020 Lynn Factor Stand Up for Kids Award, from the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada.
Having the blues after your baby or child moves in is actually really normal.
It's a taboo that isolates parents and is misunderstood among professionals. For some families, the pandemic is only intensifying this crisis.
Governments across Canada must urgently work together to strengthen counseling services, emergency respite and subsidies during the COVID- 19 pandemic, to better support our most vulnerable children, youth and their families (customary caregivers, kinship caregivers, legal guardians, foster families and adoptive families).
Bawling your heart out might be your best pandemic parenting tool…
“It's cruel to throw kids, not just off the edge of a cliff, but into a maelstrom.”
Kathryn Connors talked about her story of starting a family of three children through adoption, while Alicia Pereira of the Toronto Children’s Aid Society talked about the adoption process.
For many years, Canadian families adopted children from China and other counties. But, with the changes to China's one-child policy and other global efforts to keep children in their country of origin, international adoptions by Canadians have plummeted. The Agenda discusses what the options are for families who wish to adopt children from countries other than Canada.
Adoptive parents often describe a “honeymoon period” with their new children that can last weeks or months. But as the kids become more comfortable, the layers of trauma begin to reveal themselves…
Before adopting my daughter, I’d fantasized for a long time about our perfect first Christmas.
Western researchers are leading a national push for 15 more weeks of work leave for adoptive parents as an important way to strengthen the bond between parents and their adopted children.
A group of Western University researchers and community partners are asking Canadian politicians to grant adoptive parents and caregivers more time to bond with their children during the early stages of adoption.
Chair of the Ontario's Adoptive Parents Association board and Western University professor and researcher, Carolyn McLeod tells London Morning why adoptive parents could use an additional 15 weeks of parental leave.
A team of Western University researchers in partnership with Adopt4Life: Ontario’s Adoptive Parents Association is advocating for a new class of employment insurance benefits for adoptive parents, and customary and kin caregivers.
Recognizing Adoption Awareness Month and Adopt4Life’s Partnership with MCCSS. Read the full letter in PDF format here.
Adopt4Life announces expanded Parent2Parent Support Network with new Openness Specialist to support Ontario families formed through adoption. Adopt4Life annonce qu’une spécialiste en adoption ouverte joindra le Réseau de soutien Parent2Parent afin d’aider les familles adoptives de l’Ontario
TORONTO, ON, February 1, 2018—Adopt4Life, Ontario’s Adoptive Parents Association, is excited to support and provide insights on Attachment with a campaign that explores the intricacies of bonding and attaching with children and their families who have been touched by adoption.
On behalf of Adopt4Life, please accept our appreciation for the statement made by Minister Michael Coteau in the Ontario Legislature on November 1st, 2017, recognizing the importance of Adoption Awareness month. As the Chair of Adopt4Life’s Board of Directors, I was deeply appreciative and thankful for Minister Coteau’s remarks. I know my feelings were also shared by everyone at Adopt4Life, particularly those in front-line service roles who are delivering the critical supports and services to families that Minister Coteau spoke of.
TORONTO, ON, November 6, 2017 – Adopt4Life, Ontario’s Adoptive Parents Association, is excited to recognize National Adoption Awareness Month in November with a campaign that explores ‘Openness in Adoption’ in all its forms, for Ontario families.