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Parenting from a Different Postal Code

I often feel like I am a disappointment because I could not be everything she needed. But then I remember, long ago, that we promised to support Stephanie in becoming the happiest person she can be. And we have done that. By never giving up, and always doing what is best for her.

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The First Chapter: My Path to Openness

Finally, in a coffee shop, I met with the woman through whom I have the greatest gift. Slowly, our nervousness lifted—or mine at least, I cannot speak for her, but I think we both warmed up a little. As we shared photos and stories our common admiration grew.

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Not a Breakdown, a Breakthrough

Because none of this is about giving up or breaking down. It all about finding solutions that are best for our children, supporting individual mental health needs, and setting our expectations to ensure success, not failure.

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