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The Reading Nook—Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

Adopt4Life is pleased to Introduce The Reading Nook for a second season. Join us in this safe and supportive environment, connect with like-minded readers, and explore new books together! Our book club offers an opportunity to practice self-care while learning something new and making connections with parents and caregivers in the Adopt4Life community.

About the book

Based on one of America’s most notorious real-life scandals—in which Georgia Tann, director of a Memphis-based adoption organization, kidnapped and sold poor children to wealthy families all over the country—Lisa Wingate’s riveting, wrenching, and ultimately uplifting tale reminds us how, even though the paths we take can lead to many places, the heart never forgets where we belong. From Goodreads.

March 27

[Support Group] LGBTQ2S+ Families

April 22

AFCCA Support Group for people who identify as fathers with Al Coates