
6 Things Older Youth Should Know About Being Adopted

We are seven young people who’ve all lived in foster or group homes and had to make the type of big decisions you’re making right now. We created a video and this guide, because we wanted to help older kids and youth get a real sense of what it’s like as you’re figuring out what’s next.

We get all of this, because we’ve been through it. So we’re sharing some of the things we’ve learned. Each of us has had unique experiences. Our video and this companion booklet are just a starting point. Ask as many questions as you can at every stage of your permanency journey and communicate what you want and what you’re feeling.

This booklet, and the accompanying video, were created with insights from youth from across Canada, and facilitated through a partnership between Adopt4Life and the Adoption Council of Canada, with funding awarded through a Desjardins Foundation Prize.

To order a copy/copies of the companion booklet, head to:


For more information on what we do, go to:



Adopt4Life Presents: FASD Webinar


Adopt4Life Presents: Openness with Mary-Jo Land