
Adopt4Life and Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Program Presents: Older Child Adoption

We invite you to join us as we explore older child adoption in partnership with the Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption program. You will learn from Darcy Thachuk, a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids Recruiter, and Kathryn Connors, an Adopt4Life Team Lead and Openness Specialist, about support options available and hear from a parent and her daughter, who was adopted at an older age.

Topics will include transitioning, openness, ongoing support needs and related services available. This is an open webinar designed to provide realistic and decision useful information, as well as inspiration for families who wish to become more informed about adopting an older child, for adoptive families already on their journey, as well as professionals in the field. This webinar will include an opportunity to ask questions and seek advice.


Adopt4Life Presents: Attachment, with Mary-Jo Land, Part 1


Adopt4Life Presents: Identity and Transracial Adoption with Judith Craig Morency, RSW