As has been reported in the news, the Independent Commissioner leading work to provide support to people who have been affected by a Motherisk hair test has expressed the expectation that adoptions not be finalized in high priority files until those cases have been reviewed. Adopt4Life is deeply concerned about the children, and the adoptive and birth families who are impacted by this situation and is committed to providing support to them.

Adopt4Life is aware that Justice Beaman, who is leading the review, has provided the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies with advice and guidance with respect to high priority cases and actions that Children’s Aid Societies should be taking. Adoptive parents who are concerned that their child(ren)’s apprehension was influenced by a Motherisk lab test, or who have been told by their CAS that their adoption finalization will be on hold until the file is reviewed by the Commission, may contact Adopt4Life for support during this difficult period of uncertainty for their family. 

To support our community, Adopt4Life is in the process of gathering questions from impacted families to compile and forward anonymously to the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS). Adopt4Life is in communication with MCYS, which will continue to share information it receives from the Independent Commissioner’s office, as it becomes available. Adopt4life will then follow up with the families as soon as possible.

Furthermore, anyone who believes that a Motherisk test may have affected their case can call 1- 855-235-8932 to request that their case be provided to the commissioner. Through this number, MCYS will be offering short-term counselling services to individuals or families in need. Families may also contact their Children's Aid Society

Concerned birth family members whose child(ren)’s apprehension may have been influenced by a Motherisk lab result should contact the Ministry at 1-855-235-8932. Through this number, you can request that your case be provided to a commissioner and obtain counselling services during this difficult time. 

Adopt4Life will continue to communicate with the Independent Commissioner and MCYS so that it can advise families and provide the appropriate support.



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METRO TORONTO: Hundreds of Ontario adoption cases on hold as Motherisk probe continues


OTTAWA CITIZEN: Discredited drug testing leads to adoption reviews in Ottawa