As an adoptive parent, on behalf of Adopt4Life and our community, today’s announcement is a huge celebration. Thank you Honourable Tracy McCharles and MCYS for the putting together initiatives that supports Children and Parents. 

Adopt 4 Life: is Ontario’s voice for ALL adoptive families: including families formed through public, private, international adoption, kin & Customary Care and Moral Adoption. We believe that all adoptive families have a right to advocacy, support and guidance throughout their lifelong journey.

A year a go, MCYS invited Adopt4Life to come and talk about core issues with adoption in Ontario. The Honourable Minister MacCharles’s announcement today is a proof that the ministry truly listened to our concerns and as worked hard, so very hard to provide solutions. 


Parents need support for children to thrive and heal


The promise of a Post Adoption Family Support in today’s announcement is a key stepping stone in empowering parents to thrive in the adoption journey. 

As parents, we all know that raising children is difficult – in fact we say that we need a Village to raise a child, well, through adoption, we need more then a village, WE NEED A PROVINCE TO COME TOGETHER  

In early transition, many families experience the struggle of isolation, of doubt, quickly families feel defeated and ashamed, and often are at lost. By providing the right support from the get go, starting with equipping parents with needed tools and knowledge through post placement-­‐adoption training, along with engaging them in a Parent2Parent Peer Support, Buddy and Mentor matching, we help normalize their journey and show them that, there is hope and happiness not to far away.     

The Adoption Council of Ontario says it best, “Adoptive families bring to their children and youth an open heart and a willingness to do a lot of hard work, but they cannot (nor should they) do it alone”. We are very excited for the upcoming initiatives to enhance the experience of families who want to grow through adoption. We are confident that Ontario can be a leader in forming Families through Adoption 



Adopt4Life‐ Julie Despaties’ Speech for MCYS Press Conference – September 29th, 2015


Watch Julie Despaties’ Speech: Part 1 & Part 2

One of the statements that resonant with us the most comes from the Dave Thomas Foundation – “Unadoptable is Unacceptable”.

Insuring that every effort is put together to provide a 4ever home to every kid is so crucial, we are extremely please to know, that thanks to the Wendy’s Wonderful Kid Recruiter’s work, more and more children, especially older youth will find permanency.

Three years ago, my husband and I’s life changed over night, after falling in love with an adorable sibling group of three older children who were 8,11 and 13th. After they moved in, I quickly realized that love wasn’t sufficient. Despite all the reading, all the experience I had, I struggled and needed to normalized my experience. After reaching out to our wonderful Adoption Practitioner, Lisa, in search of connecting with other adoptive parents she suggested I contact the Adoption Council of Ontario, a wonderful organization that provided support for Adoptive Families. Luckily for me, their new Post Adoption worker, Elaine provided me with much support and resources, and above it all, she connected me to another adoptive mom, Sylvia. Sylvia is a seasoned mom, who could relate to my challenges and provided me with understanding and hope. Each time I needed moral support, I would call her.

A few months later, I took part of ACO’S pilot Group Support for Adoptive Parent. After gaining knowledge and confidence in my parenting abilities, thanks to all the support and advocacy I was able to access, I realized that many adoptive parents don’t have the same chance as I did. That is when I realized that Our Adoptive Community needed to come together so that we could unify our voices and help bring the changes needed so that children and parents could thrive.

Almost a year after becoming a mom, I decided to dedicate my voice to our Ontario’s Adoptive Community and was lucky enough to engage dedicated key players, like my friend Sylvia who is working with me to make a difference! Together with the Adoption Council of Ontario, we are dedicated to work hard and make sure children and parents are well supported so that A Home 4 Every Kids and Support 4 Every Family is a reality for ALL Ontario’s children. When I asked my eldest daughter Layla what message would she like me to give to Adoptive Parent she said: On their dying bed, they will know it was all worth it.

The journey may not always be easy, but together, we can make it.

Many thanks.




PRESS RELEASE: 2015 Support4EveryFamily