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[Support group] Nurturing Attachment

Attachment plays a central role in our social and emotional development, and every child or youth touched by permanency has experienced an attachment disruption. Join us as we acknowledge that loss, explore practical strategies to focus on and strengthen attachment, and discuss the joys and challenges that you may be facing. This is a support group for families registered with Interwoven Connections.

This group is now occurring at a bi-monthly cadence beginning in January 2025.


  • January 21, 2025 

  • March 18, 2025 

  • May 20, 2025 

  • July 15, 2025 

  • September 16, 2025 

  • November 18, 2025 


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November 18

[Reading Nook] Crow Lake, by Mary Lawson

November 19

[Support Group] AFCCA—Kinship, Peer-Led Support Group