I’d Rather Do My Taxes than Wrangle Words, But Here’s Why I Blog about Adoption

By Mother of a Hidden Pearl (and Adopt4Life community parent)

I love how adults predict children’s futures. Which career will they pursue based on their interests… Business Leader? Artist? Doctor? I remember growing up and being asked on numerous occasions, “What’s your favourite subject?”

That was a no-brainer. “Math,” I’d always reply. 

Today, it’s easier for me to sift through expenses and complete my income tax than to sit down, collect my thoughts and convey a message through writing. Yet here I am creating another blog.

So why do I do it?
Parenting an adoptive child who comes from a hard place poses challenges. The Adopt4Life community is a supportive environment, where parents share insights and encourage one another. Sometimes it takes a village to raise a child.

The journey I’m experiencing is a roller coaster of emotions. There are so many ups and downs and unexpected turns. I’m excited and laughing one moment, then scared or crying the next.

Over the past five years, I’ve read books, prayed, taken classes, received therapy and exchanged thoughts with others. This has equipped me with useful parenting strategies. I’ve also used my instincts and gained knowledge through trial and error.

My experiences have filled me with insight, and I’m driven to share what I’ve learned with others. I remember one of the first nuggets of wisdom I was blessed with was the importance of exercising patience and self-control as opposed to exerting power. See, even in this little blog, I still want to reach out to others and contribute to the village!

I’m filled with satisfaction when something I write resonates with just one person. I remember someone responded to one of my blogs, once, by saying, “It’s amazing how I get what I need at just the right moment.”

This spurs me to keep writing because I know I’m making a difference.

For more articles by Mother of a Hidden Pearl, visit www.ahiddenpearl.com


Nature play, adoption ideals, and the runaway climate train


Volunteering for Adopt4Life brings me a special kind of happiness