My Family: A 7 Year-Old’s Perspective

By An Adopt4Life Youth

We are a trans-racial and trans-cultural family. In contemplating what to write for a blog post on this topic, I invited my 7 year-old daughter to share her perspective, and she was interested in the opportunity to contribute. Here are her thoughts:

Sometimes my family does activities like pow-wows. I like going to pow-wows, because I like the food and the clothing. I wish had more Ojibwe friends. I would like an Ojibwe sister.  I do not like people talking about me being adopted. It makes me sad.

The opinions expressed in blogs posted reflect their author and do not represent any official stance of Adopt4Life. We respect the diversity of opinions within the adoption, kinship and customary care community and hope that these blog posts will stimulate meaningful conversations.

We're ramping up our #timetoattach campaign in February 2019, for 15 more weeks of parental leave for adoptive parents and kin and customary caregivers. To really make an impact on our mission to Ottawa, we'd like to share your experiences of what it was like helping your child to settle in and bond. Find out how to share your story.


Making Connections With Adoptive Families in My Role


Constant Learning