Adopt4Life gave us confidence and support 

By An Adopt4Life Awaiting Parent 

Reaching out and receiving the readily given support that this organization provides was a game changer for us. We now know how to move confidently forward on our journey and know that in the future we have access to a second opinion, better understanding, another outside resource or just an objective listener through Adopt4Life. 

We began our adoption journey two years ago. We became connected to Adopt4life about 6 months into the process and at the time, didn't know how much of a blessing and necessary resource it would become. I remember the first phone call we had with our Regional Parent Liaison—she listened, sympathized and understood, and gave resources all in the most calm, gentle, unhurried way. We would continue that relationship of one-hour (and sometimes even longer) conversations for the next 1.5 years. Our journey hasn't been straightforward or easy. We've run into frustrations and red tape, felt lost, felt hopeless, searched for resources and the right connections.

Through Adopt4life we were provided with a wealth of knowledge from conversations. We've also enjoyed many informative and conversation sparking seminars. This helped us feel validated during our waiting process. We did all that we could and learned and prepared ourselves with resources provided by Adopt4Life. We tapped into a community that offered support, encouragement, and clarity. We regularly sought advice for how to navigate conversations with workers and agencies, where to get correct information regarding policies and regulations and what our necessary next steps should be and how to go about them to ensure the best working relationships possible. 

When we attended overwhelming ARE's the Adopt4life booth in the Resource Village was a sounding board and decompression space. When we felt we had no control, or that we were backed into a corner, Adopt4Life was there to help us troubleshoot and learn our rights. When we felt discouraged or lonely, the online community was there to reach out to and be carried along by. When we struggled to decipher information, Adopt4Life offered a level of transparency and formal knowledge that is unprecedented and provided without bias. 

I hope the full scope of support that we were provided through Adopt4Life isn't lost on you, dear reader. Without this support, I strongly believe we would have given up a long time ago. Reaching out and receiving the readily given support that this organization provides was a game changer for us. We now know how to move confidently forward on our journey and know that in the future we have access to a second opinion, better understanding, another outside resource or just an objective listener through Adopt4life. We have still yet to be matched, but we now know what direction we need to move in. Without the support we have received, we honestly believe that we would have walked away from adoption and missed the opportunity to make a difference in this world.  

I can't really express my gratitude for the many hours of relationship building we've received. Thank you, for all that you do, your patience and inexhaustible, all hours help. Thank you Adopt4Life for supporting awaiting families who are so often ignored or met with a tiresome response as they struggle through fears, rejections, an uncertainties.   

The opinions expressed in blogs posted reflect their author and do not represent any official stance of Adopt4Life. We respect the diversity of opinions within the adoption, kinship and customary care community and hope that these blog posts will stimulate meaningful conversations.


Adopt4Life is Family


Waiting after the ARE