By A PCMH Community Parent
These words which I will never forget were etched into the wooden bathroom cupboards by our teenage daughter who had been diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
"Make sure there are no sharp objects in there like razors or scissors" two policemen had warned me. THE DOOR WAS LOCKED and there was no way to convince her to open it.
She would eventually become tired and get into bed I told my self semi convincingly.
Lying in bed, I knew I had to devise a plan but it would need to be implemented in the morning. The tension had escalated too much this evening and I was merely exhausted.
The following morning she was sound asleep in her bed. I entered the bathroom and faced that horrific phrase on the door.
"Could you please send an unmarked car?" I nervously requested of the 911 operator. Oh God what are the neighbours going to think? Staring out the window I kept wondering why it was taking so long to get help. It felt like an eternity!
Our daughter followed the police into a mini van only to be followed by myself to the nearest hospital emergency dept.
Life is better again now but events like these are never far from the minds of parents who care for children with mental health needs.